Taco Line 1
Medium: Acrylic on canvas board
Date: 2020
Dimensions: 9 x 12″
Mia Garcia
These paintings are going to be a part of a larger series about my work environment in food service at the University of Arizona. This is about the environment I see on a daily basis, several days out of the week. It is about coming into this place and seeing the same things, doing the same tasks, serving food, preparing ingredients, and repeating this routine again and again. Another major task is sanitizing items and surfaces multiple times, since we are in the midst of a major pandemic. I would not have given a second thought to this task if not for the necessary safety protocols we all must follow. While life moving forward is uncertain and weird, when I started working again in August, the familiarity and routine of this job brought me a sense of peace and certainty. Even if it is a plain job in food service, it is nice to know what my day will consist of, something I would not have considered or appreciated if we were not going through a pandemic.